
Comparison of Nebulized Ketamine to Intravenous...

There was no significant difference between the administration of intravenous and nebulized ketamine for the short-term treatment of moderate to severe acute pain in the ED. Both treatments provided a...

Comparison of Nebulized Ketamine to Intravenous...

There was no significant difference between the administration of intravenous and nebulized ketamine for the short-term treatment of moderate to severe acute pain in the ED. Both treatments provided a...

Missed Opportunities to Diagnose and Treat Asym...

The study highlights a substantial gap in the diagnosis and management of asymptomatic hypertension in U.S. EDs. Despite adherence to clinical policies recommending delayed treatment for aHTN, there remains a...

Missed Opportunities to Diagnose and Treat Asym...

The study highlights a substantial gap in the diagnosis and management of asymptomatic hypertension in U.S. EDs. Despite adherence to clinical policies recommending delayed treatment for aHTN, there remains a...

Capillary Refill Time Response to Fluid Challen...

FC generally improved or stabilized CRT in fluid-responsive patients, suggesting beneficial effects on tissue perfusion. Increasing MAP via norepinephrine in hypertensive, fluid-unresponsive patients showed mixed CRT responses. While it improved...

Capillary Refill Time Response to Fluid Challen...

FC generally improved or stabilized CRT in fluid-responsive patients, suggesting beneficial effects on tissue perfusion. Increasing MAP via norepinephrine in hypertensive, fluid-unresponsive patients showed mixed CRT responses. While it improved...

A New Method of Pulse Control in Cardiopulmonar...

Continuous femoral pulse check (CoFe PuC) in CPR is quicker and more efficient than the traditional carotid pulse check method, suggesting potential revisions to current CPR guidelines to incorporate CoFe...

A New Method of Pulse Control in Cardiopulmonar...

Continuous femoral pulse check (CoFe PuC) in CPR is quicker and more efficient than the traditional carotid pulse check method, suggesting potential revisions to current CPR guidelines to incorporate CoFe...

Validation of the Appendicitis Inflammatory Res...

The AIR score shows promise as an effective tool for risk stratification of appendicitis in pregnant women, potentially reducing the incidence of unnecessary surgeries. However, further validation in a pregnant...

Validation of the Appendicitis Inflammatory Res...

The AIR score shows promise as an effective tool for risk stratification of appendicitis in pregnant women, potentially reducing the incidence of unnecessary surgeries. However, further validation in a pregnant...

Identifying Signs and Symptoms of Urinary Tract...

This study highlights the effectiveness of LLMs, particularly transformer-based models like the Clinical Longformer, in extracting symptoms of UTI from unstructured ED clinical notes. These models demonstrated high accuracy in...

Identifying Signs and Symptoms of Urinary Tract...

This study highlights the effectiveness of LLMs, particularly transformer-based models like the Clinical Longformer, in extracting symptoms of UTI from unstructured ED clinical notes. These models demonstrated high accuracy in...