Blunt Head Injury in the Elderly: Analysis of the NEXUS II Injury Cohort

Blunt Head Injury in the Elderly: Analysis of the NEXUS II Injury Cohort

Authors: William R Mower, Thomas E Akie, Naseem Morizadeh, Malkeet Gupta, Gregory W Hendey, Jake L Wilson, Lorenzo Pierre Leonid Duvergne, Phillip Ma, Pravin Krishna, Robert M Rodriguez

Published in: Annals of Emergency Medicine, 2024 February 10


  • Elderly patients with blunt head injuries face a high risk of serious intracranial injuries even from low-risk injury mechanisms, such as ground-level falls.
  • Clinical evaluations often fail to detect significant injuries in this group.
  • The outcomes, especially after surgical intervention, frequently involve long-term disability or death.


  • Secondary analysis of patients aged 65 or older from the National Emergency X-Radiography Utilization Study (NEXUS) Head Computed Tomography validation study.
  • Examination included demographics, injury mechanisms and presentations, injury types, interventions, and outcomes.


  • Out of 11,770 patients in the NEXUS study, 3,659 were aged 65 or older.
  • Significant injuries were found in 8.9% of these older patients, compared to 5.4% in younger counterparts.
  • Older females represented 51.9% of the older patient group.
  • Occult presentations occurred in 14.8% of older patients with significant injuries.
  • Frequent injuries included subdural hematomas and subarachnoid hemorrhages.
  • Ground-level falls were the most common injury mechanism, yet falls from ladders and automobile versus pedestrian accidents had the highest mortality rates.
  • Among those requiring neurosurgical interventions, a low percentage returned home, many required extended care, and a high mortality rate was observed.
Mower, W.R., Akie, T.E., Morizadeh, N., Gupta, M., Hendey, G.W., Wilson, J.L., Duvergne, L.P.L., Ma, P., Krishna, P. and Rodriguez, R.M., 2024. Blunt head injury in the elderly: analysis of the NEXUS II Injury Cohort. Annals of emergency medicine.
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